Logis Hôtel la Marjolaine
Le Bas Mont. - .
53100 MOULAY
53100 MOULAY
Check in (from) : 15 h
Check out (until) : 11 h
Closing date : du 12/02 au 25/02 - du 29/07 au 11/08
Check out (until) : 11 h
Closing date : du 12/02 au 25/02 - du 29/07 au 11/08
General Sales Terms and Conditions
See the Service Provider's General Sales Terms and Conditions
We look forward to welcoming you to the natural setting of Hotel Marjolaine. Enjoy a moment of rest and relaxation on our terrace overlooking the park, in the shade of horse chestnut trees, or take a short stroll down to the river bank. Mountain bikes at guests' disposal to head off and explore 85km of safe trails.
- Bar
- Terrace
- Private car park.
- Car park
- Air conditioned bedrooms
- Park - garden
Mentioned in a tourist guide
- Guide du Routard
- Pets welcome
Languages spoken
- English spoken
- Restaurant (menu)
Logis Hôtel la Marjolaine
Le Bas Mont. - .
53100 MOULAY
Tel. : 0243004842
Le Bas Mont. - .
53100 MOULAY
Tel. : 0243004842
- 15km from the Gallo-Roman site of Jublain. Château Mayenne (5km), Château de Laval (20km). Other places to see include the character-filled village of Lassay-les-Châteaux (20km), the Lactopole (dairy museum - 20km away), the Toiles de Mayenne weavers in Fontaine Daniel (5km) and Changé golf course (15km).
- A castle and 2 ha of grounds on the banks of the river Mayenne
Getting here
On the N162 trunk road between Laval and Mayenne (5km from Mayenne), 20km from Laval railway station and 70km from Rennes airport.